Symptoms of torn internal stitches after Tummy tuck

Symptoms of Torn Internal Stitches After Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck surgery is very common these days as it gives a good shape to the body within a few weeks without any physical training and diet modifications. However, there might be complications after the surgery, one of the major being torn internal stitches. Some symptoms of toen internal stitches after tummy tuck include: pain, Inflamation, Discomfort, Redness and skin irregularities.

tooth infection cause tinnitus

Can a tooth infection cause tinnitus?

Can a tooth infection cause tinnitus? YES, it can cause tinnitus, but there are some important facts to be considered first. The extent and the complications of tinnitus caused by tooth infection are different in different conditions. The aggravation and fading of symptoms also vary from person to person. And mostly tinnitus caused by tooth infection is…