Can a tooth infection cause tinnitus?
Can a tooth infection cause tinnitus? YES, it can cause tinnitus, but there are some important facts to be considered first.
The extent and the complications of tinnitus caused by tooth infection are different in different conditions. The aggravation and fading of symptoms also vary from person to person. And mostly tinnitus caused by tooth infection is mild and will go away on its own as the infection heals.
Now what’s important for you to know is What is Tinnitus? What are its causes and symptoms? And how tinnitus is caused by tooth infection? can a tooth infection cause tinnitus?
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is classified as a noise in the ears, such as ringing, roaring, buzzing, hissing, or whistling; the noise may be intermittent or continuous.
Tinnitus also commonly known as ringing in the ear is itself not a disease but is a marker of other conditions.
It is an indication of some other medical problems rather than being a disease and would often go away with time as that indication heals. Most of the time it is an indication of
- Musculoskeletal problems
- Vascular Disorders
- Meniere’s disease
- Hypertension
- Hyperthyroidism
- Anemia
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Hyperlipidemia
Relationship between tooth infection and tinnitus.
Can a tooth infection cause tinnitus? In light of the research.
Studies do suggest that tooth infection can cause tinnitus. Impacted wisdom teeth and Tooth abscesses can cause ringing in the ears. But mostly tinnitus caused by abscess usually fades with time and requires no further treatment.
The mechanism of ringing in the ear due to tooth infection involves increased blood flow through the ears which causes tinnitus. infection in the tooth causes increased heart rate increasing the blood flow through the ears and ultimately causing ringing in the ear.
Secondly, Inflammation in the tooth due to abscess causes temporomandibular dysfunction which also leads to tinnitus. this tinnitus caused by TMJ dysfunction is cured as the condition is treated by a dentist.
Furthermore, the removal of impacted and infected wisdom teeth can also cause tinnitus and hearing loss.
Studies have also confirmed that an infection in the upper third molar tooth can cause ringing in the ear. Tinnitus caused by these conditions can be treated with dental procedures and usually, it heals over time.
So, Can a tooth infection cause tinnitus? research and studies also say YES.
Tinnitus and other Dental Problems
Tinnitus is also caused by many other dental problems such as Bruxism. Mercury fillings, Dental drills, ultrasonic plaque removal, etc
Pyorrhea is a condition associated with pus discharge from gums. it affects gums and bones. It is also a cause of Meniere’s disease and tinnitus. Pyorrhea is often caused by gum damage as a result of toothpick use.
Bruxism is the involuntary clenching of jaws and grinding of teeth. this condition also causes temporomandibular joint dysfunction ultimately leading to Tinnitus. this can be relieved by using mouthguards.
Dental Fillings are composed of 50% of mercury and about 30% silver. Since mercury causes neurotoxicity it causes tinnitus and hearing loss
Dental Drills are a source of high pitch noise. this noise is transmitted to the inner ear through bone conduction and it causes the intensity to become even high. this noise can cause tinnitus. using earplugs and anesthesia also does not prevent tinnitus during dental drills. Short splurges of 5-10 seconds are recommended rather than long sessions,
Ultrasonic Plaque Removal Use of high-frequency ultrasonic tools is also responsible for tinnitus in some patients. therefore compliance with mechanical tools is greater than with ultrasound tools in patients.
Can Tooth Decay Cause Tinnitus
While tooth decay and tinnitus are two separate conditions, there is some evidence to suggest that tooth decay and other dental problems may be contributing factors to tinnitus. This may be due to the fact that some of the same bacteria that cause tooth decay can also affect the inner ear and contribute to inflammation, which can lead to tinnitus. However, more research is needed to determine the specific relationship between tooth decay and tinnitus.
Other Causes of tinnitus
Tinnitus or ringing in the ear might also be caused by many other conditions such as
- Age-related hearing loss
- meniere’s disease
- Some medications like antibiotics and antidepressants
- Wax buildup in the ear due to some infection
- A benign tumor in the ear
- Injuries to the Head and Neck
- Noise-induced damage
- Caffeine, Alcohol, and smoking
Complications of tinnitus
- Memory problems
- Mood swings
- Anxiety and depression
- Mental irritability
- Inability to Concentrate
How to get rid of tinnitus fast?
All the treatments of tinnitus focus on getting rid of the underlying cause. Many techniques are helpful in managing and alleviating tinnitus. The most common are.
Dental treatment
Treatment of underlying dental causes of tinnitus is very important as tinnitus goes away as the problem solves. As the dental infection is treated tinnitus fades by itself. Fixing TMJ dysfunction also helps get rid of tinnitus. use of short bursts of ultrasound treatment is also helpful for patients that can develop tinnitus with ultrasound plague removal treatments.
Cognitive therapy
Cognitive therapy involves behavioral modifications to manage tinnitus. It is a good method to manage tinnitus as it is non-pharmacological and easy to follow.
If tinnitus is caused by anxiety or stress, the use of low-dose anti-anxiety drugs and some hormones such as misoprostol is very effective. If abnormal heart rhythm is the underlying cause, lidocaine is very effective.
Patients living with hypertension are also at risk of suffering from tinnitus. In such patients use of antihypertensive drugs also eliminate the risk of developing tinnitus.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
This therapy works on the process of filtering out a signal from the subconscious mind. It removes the trigger movement for tinnitus. Our mind might habituate some daily life sounds it works to screen them out as if they are not important.
So, Can a tooth infection cause ringing in the ears? The answer is Yes. Tooth infection causes hypertension by increasing blood flow in the ear ultimately leading to tinnitus. So, Tooth infection and tinnitus are related to each other, But this condition is not so worrisome as tinnitus caused by tooth infection usually goes away as the underlying condition is treated.