Which Healthy snack can provide protein after physical activity?

Which Healthy snack can provide protein after physical activity?

After your workout, your body needs nutrients to repair itself and get you ready for the next one. But it’s not just about refueling with carbs. Protein is essential after any workout because it helps build and repair muscles so they can grow stronger next time. Protein also helps to reduce fat-storage hormone glucagon and…

Carbs for Muscle Gain | Top 7 things to Keep an Eye On

Carbs for Muscle Gain | Top 7 things to Keep an Eye On

since dietary protein plays a major role in muscle building, the term carbs for muscle gain does not sound right but let me tell you carbs are also very important for muscle building, especially during intense gym sessions. The drug-free muscle training program relies heavily on the human hormone insulin. insulin work along with thyroid…